House on a Hill Designs by Noreen Ring

It is my intention to design works that reflect an “other-world” feeling with a sense of universality. Earth, mountains, rocks, flowers, the sky, the stars, moons – things that we know exist with certainty but aren’t sure of the details and how they might fit together somewhere else. When I design, it is important for me to consider how comfortable existence would be in these worlds.

The process of creating my art quilts is intuitive. I start with one piece of fabric that I am drawn to for its color and movement and then I slowly build a world. This is done by collaging small pieces of 100% commercially dyed cotton fabric that are cut to fit the composition. Once I am happy with the design, each piece of the whole is hand stitched (raw edge) into a quilt sandwich using embroidery and metallic threads. The art is then embellished with beads, crystals and yarn. They are sprayed with a UV protectant and finally framed behind glass or plexi.